Friday, October 10, 2014

Time to Review Your Retirement Plan Options. It's Plan Document Restatement Time!

We knew it was close, now it's time to consider better options for your retirement plan with your plan document restatement!

AllianceBenefit Group North Central States, Inc. sponsors a pre-approved plan document and therefore it is likely that your retirement plan document is subject to an IRS mandatory restatement. This IRS mandatory restatement is referred to as the PPA restatement due to the Pension Protection Act and has a 2 year window for restatement that is open now and will end on April 30, 2016. 

Since your plan needs to be restated anyway, now would be a great time to add some additional features without incurring additional amendment charges. Some examples of items to consider are as follows:

·       Does your plan offer Roth deferrals? These are after tax dollars that can be deferred into the plan and could be beneficial to some of your employees. Providing the flexibility to manage their own distribution tax risk is an important feature for some plan participants and may encourage participation. For some employees, adding Roth offers the equivalent of an increase to the 402(g) contribution limit since the taxes have already been paid. 

·       Do you want a retirement plan that provides a high level of participation? An automatic enrollment plan may be right for you. There are different options to choose from when adding this feature:

1)     A basic automatic enrollment 401(k) plan must state that employees will be automatically enrolled in the plan unless they elect otherwise and must specify the percentage of an employee's wages that will be automatically deducted from each paycheck for contribution to the plan. The document must also explain that employees have the right to elect not to have salary deferrals withheld or to elect a different percentage to be withheld.

2)     An eligible automatic contribution arrangement (EACA) is similar to the basic automatic enrollment plan but has specific notice requirements. An EACA can allow automatically enrolled participants to withdraw their contributions within 30 to 90 days of the first contribution.

3)     A qualified automatic contribution arrangement (QACA) is a type of automatic enrollment 401(k) plan that automatically passes certain kinds of annual required testing. The plan must include certain features, such as a fixed schedule of automatic employee contributions, employer contributions, a special vesting schedule, and specific notice requirements.

·       Are there any other features that you would like to consider for your plan? Now is the time to discuss your questions and concerns with your advisor and/or your administrative team at Alliance Benefit Group. 

If Alliance Benefit Group North Central States is not your document provider, you may want to discuss these options with the party responsible for providing that for your plan. ABGNCS will need a copy of your document once it is restated so that we can update our recordkeeping software with any changes. 

Be sure to let ABGNCS know if you have any questions. We’re here to help!

The Author: Babette Engebretson, QPA, QKA
Compliance Supervisor

Disclaimer: This blog is of an informative nature and should not be taken as advice. Please work with the appropriate parties for those services. 

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